# add

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. - U.S. Marines

The Blix add command allows you to quickly add tools to your project that might typically take hours if not days. Like adding react-router + redux to a basic react project. But with great power comes risk. While we try to avoid mutating your project as much as possible we recommend making sure you have everything committed beforehand.

# Backend

Adds a server folder and scripts for controllers and models (if database selected). Also installs necessary Express / ORM packages.

|── server
    |── controllers
    |── helpers
    |── models
    |── views 
    |── routes.js
    |── server.js

If a Postgres database is selected Knex.js installed and the init command executed to create a db folder with migrations and seed files as well as the knex config file.

|── db
    |── migrations
|── knexfile.js

# Webpack

Adds a webpack.config.js file.

# Webpack Dev Server

Installs a webpack-dev-server package

# React-Router

# Redux

# Database